Sunday, August 04, 2024

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 4

My 2024 Happiness Icon
Today's happiness: Too Good to Go

Do restaurants or grocery stores in your neighborhood participate in Too Good to Go? It's designed to reduce food waste. Early every morning, I check the app to see if any local businesses will be making food available that night at a reduced price. This is food that is still good today but that (likely because of expiration date) they won't be able to sell tomorrow. 

Oh, what a haul I got from Whole Foods tonight! I carried home a big bag of bakery including blueberry bagels, chocolate croissants, cinnamon raisin bread (yay!), pitas and (OMG!) an entire angel food cake. If I'd purchased the same items this morning, they would have cost me $31.45. With the Too Good to Go app, the bill was $7.15.

Part of the fun of Too Good to Go is that you don't know what you're going to get. Finding that cinnamon raisin loaf made my little heart sing. And it helps reduce the amount of food in the neighborhood that goes to waste.

It's not all carbs. My friend Elaine turned me onto Too Good to Go. She lives near Wrigley Field and her freezer is full of soups and stews from her local market, just waiting for fall.

Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.


  1. What a great way to save some $$$ and fight food waste! Getting a haul like that for such a bargain price would make me happy too!

  2. Wow, that's a great idea. We don't have that around here that I am aware of.

  3. We don't have anything like that around here. I am super jealous!

  4. I need to look that up. I've never heard of it. Cinnamon bread makes me happy too!! Enjoy!


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