Monday, November 13, 2023

Deplorables behaving deplorably

Donald Trump once again made fun of a hammer attack against an 80+ year old man in his own home. His audience once again laughed.

Presumably the New Testament I was raised on is the same one that MAGA Republicans claim to adhere to. Walk me through it. Explain how this behavior squares with your faith. It doesn't match up with mine. Not at all.

This is cruelty and hate. Apparently, if you're MAGA, you enjoy this sort of thing, so I'll post it for your viewing pleasure. (Actually, I hope this will motivate people of conscience to realize what is happening with about 40% of our fellow citizens.)


  1. I honestly cannot figure out what ANY thinking person what vote for that orange nut. Maybe that says a lot about his supporters.

  2. I'm gonna take your word for it because I can't stand to hear that idiot speak. I wish this were surprising. Hell, 10 years ago, this would have been a shocking development. Now, it's just another day. Move along. There's nothing to see here.

    I don't understand people.

  3. I cannot understand, either.


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