Friday, July 21, 2023

A few quarts low on compassion

Let me preface this by saying Twitter is a hellscape. So I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that cruel memes about Hunter Biden's drug addiction are the order of the day. The thing that saddens me, though, is how many of the meme-makers and meme-spreaders are self-proclaimed Christians.

Addiction is a disease, not a character flaw. Would these same Trump supporters mock Hunter Biden if he had a physical disability? Maybe. After all, it didn't bother them when their candidate made fun of reporter Serge Kovaleski. Apparently among these particular Christians, mocking the afflicted is a real knee-slapper.

If addiction hasn't touched you personally, you're lucky. It's estimated that 20.4 million Americans abuse alcohol, illicit drugs or prescription medication. Each of those 20.4 million Americans is someone's relative, friend, or neighbor. Do the math. A shit-ton of our fellow citizens are coping with this in a very real way. If you're not among them, maybe instead of stigmatizing Hunter Biden you should say a little prayer that your loved ones have been spared.

When I went to Sunday School, I was taught that "whatever you did for the least of our brothers and sisters, you did for me." I don't understand how making fun of someone with an illness fits with that. I guess instead of the Book of Matthew, their New Testament has The Book of Schadenfreude.

I will be so very grateful and relieved when Trump's grip on my countrymen and my faith is loosened.


  1. I'm afraid you are going to have a long wait, and it's only going to get worse. Hang in there.

  2. I'm with Country Dew--I am afraid we've got a long time to wait.


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