Monday, August 01, 2022

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 1

Happiness icon 2022
Each day in August,  post something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.

Leave your link in the comments and I'll check out your happiness post. It helps if your August Happiness Challenge posts are marked with an icon. Just something that means "happy" to you. 
Today's happiness -- Turning the page. The new month begins on a Monday! Doesn't that feel new and hopeful? Since I do my laundry on Sunday evening, it means I started the first day of the new week/new month by drying off after my morning shower with with fresh, clean towels. August 1 kicks off TCM's Summer Under the Stars, where a different actor is spotlighted each day, and today it's ELVIS! (Elvis on Tour is on as I write this.) Plus, I got to literally turn the page on my kitchen calendar and now I'll be gazed upon by Jelly, a rescue kitty adopted with his brother cat, Jiminy, through the PAWS animal shelter.



  1. I love the picture, and imagine it is you as a little. I'm participating this year, please drop by :)

  2. Very good first day of August happiness!

  3. I adore your happy icon!!!!!


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