Sunday, December 12, 2021

Sunday Stealing

Stolen from Fauxklore

1. Have you ever been caught outdoors away from shelter during a thunderstorm? Yes. That's why I keep an umbrella in my briefcase at all times.

2. Did you ever build furniture forts as a child? Yes. My oldest friend was the architect. I just helped drape the blankets.

3. Do you use any medicines daily? Yes, for cholesterol and allergies.

4. When was the last time you used a disposable camera? I don't recall. It's been a long while.

5. When was the last time you flew on a plane? When I went to my niece's wedding in October 2020. I'm flying to Florida for Christmas in Key West later this month.

6. How many first cousins do you have? Six (though I only know two of them well).

7. What’s the longest period of time you’ve gone without sleep? 20 hours. When I finally got to bed, I didn't so much fall asleep as surrender to it.

8. Did the house you grew up in have a big yard? Yes. It was so big that, at one point, my parents contemplated getting a built-in pool. My mom nixed it. In Chicagoland, it would only be used three months/year. Plus she worried about neighborhood kids getting in and drowning. (My mom was a worrier; I come by it honestly.)

9. What has been the most difficult class you’ve ever taken? Chemistry. Keep that frigging periodic table of elements away from me!

10. What’s something that’s much more difficult than a lot of people realize? Acceptance. I learned a phrase recently from the midrash: "We are all broken vessels, infinitely precious in the eyes of God." I need to learn to have greater compassion for my own failings and for the failings of those around me. This has been top of mind for me since last month's Compassion Challenge. Funny how a Jewish verse would bring me closer to having a more responsive Christian heart, but that's how God works sometimes, isn't it?

11. What are some things a house would need to have for you to purchase it? A really good bathroom with updated plumbing and ventilation.

12. Would you ever go out in public wearing pajamas? Well, if there was a fire I wouldn't waste time changing into my street clothes.

13. Have you ever had a lemonade stand? Yes.

14. Do you think you look older or younger than your real age? Yes. I should, too, because I work at it. I'm a 64-year-old woman in a young person's industry! My skincare regime is pretty unshakeable and I whiten my teeth regularly. (Need to do that before Christmas.)

15. Where have you lived throughout your life? A certain toddlin' town. Home of the 2016 World Series Champions.



  1. "We are all broken vessels, infinitely precious in the eyes of God." I love this. Thank you for sharing.

  2. I would love to know your skin care products. I am into that sort of thing. Loved your answers! Have a nice day.

  3. Wise words--that I need to have compassion for myself as well as others. I am very hard on myself.

  4. I love that quote from the midrash. Self-compassion can be the most difficult thing of all. I can can have compassion for others, while beating myself up over the same thing. Hope you have a good Sunday. :-)

  5. Great quote. Same God, so not so weird. My skin care regimen consists of washing my face with Dove Sensitive Skin soap. And that's pretty much it.


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