Thursday, October 03, 2019

October Challenge -- Day 3

I'm joining Ms. Kwiz for her October blogging challenge.

Day 3: Most recent creative pursuit. Nanowrimo. Aka National Novel Writing Month. According to Wikipedia: National Novel Writing Month, is an annual, Internet-based creative writing project that takes place during the month of November. Participants attempt to write a 50,000-word manuscript between November 1 and November 30. Well-known authors write "pep-talks" to keep them motivated throughout the process.

Yes, I know the meter doesn't officially drop until November 1, but I've already set up my page @ and my story is taking shape. It's the tale of a trial that captivates a small town. I haven't decided which woman will be at the center of the saga: Frankie, the 50+ heiress whose body is found at the foot of the stairs, or Tracy, the 20-something trophy wife of a big-city lawyer who comes to town to defend Frankie's ne'er do well husband against murder charges. Will I become more interested in flashbacks of Frankie's life, or in Tracy's fish-out-of-water story?

Just for contrast: at the office these days I've been working on a project called BVL (bank vehicle loan). My client has a predictive model that indicates when a customer who financed their current ride with us will be likely to buy a new one, and it's up to me to remind them of how smooth the loan process was with us.

I like what I do. My client appreciates my efforts. They are an honest company that delivers on what I promise. I feel good about being a compensated cog in their Fortune 500 wheel. But writing fiction can be liberating and fun.

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