Sunday, March 20, 2011

She's at it again

My oldest friend's Ohio friend is a hostile nut. I would detail some of the sturm und drang, but you wouldn't believe it. I've been there every step of the way and sometimes even I don't believe what happened. There's been online bullying and retribution and lies and secrets and literally thousands of dollars (money my friend could ill afford) that was supposed to cover their mutual friend's rent but actually went for an transatlantic plane ticket and holiday. It was awful. My oldest friend assures me she's out of this woman's thrall, but with all the problems my oldest friend has had lately, I can't afford to trust it. So I have been checking this woman's Facebook page and blog. I am protective of my fragile oldest friend and I want to make sure that all that crap truly is in the past.

This Ohio woman hates President Obama and speaks about him in the most disrespectful ways.
Today she went off on "Obamarama" and called him "a puppet" and likened Gaddafi to "Saddam Barack Hussein."

I appreciate that there are other opinions out there, and I respect them when they are based in fact and ideology. That's what makes this country great. BUT this woman's problems with Obama stem from her crazy "birther" sentiments. She's called him "the Kenyan" and has likened him to Hitler.

I suspect that this woman isn't mad at Obama at all, but feels powerless in other areas of her life. He's just a convenient target for her rage. I think that's the same motivation for all the dust she kicks up in her online community.

But just as she's oblivious to the pain (and expense) she caused my oldest friend in the past, I don't think she gets how inappropriate her online attacks on the President are ... from a teacher. She doesn't have privacy settings on either her blog or her Facebook page, and she posts this crap under her own name and beside her own photo. I can't imagine how I'd feel, were I the parent of a middle school student, to see that one of my kids' teachers behaves in this angry way, a way with not-so-subtle racial overtones.

I just hope my oldest friend really is well rid of this sad, silly, dangerous woman, and that someday soon I won't feel compelled to read her mind-numbing poison.

And please, if you want to comment, you're welcome to do so. There's no need to be anonymous.


  1. Your friend would be well-rid of this person. What a vat of negativity.

  2. What a mess! Some people are just rude and mean. Sorry for all. How disturbing.


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