Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Why do men find it irresistable?

Teasing me, I mean.

Two of my male coworkers share an office. This afternoon, every time I tried to make my point to Steve, Chuck cut in with lame kid-brother comments like, "No, you can't," or "That will never work," or "That's crazy," etc. It wasn't funny but it sure was annoying. I felt like Marcia Brady trying to make a point to Greg with Peter butting in.

Steve does it, too. So does our production manager. My boss starts most mornings with the same joke about my Type A tendencies, "I know you're here because I can hear the gnashing of teeth."

The other women here don't get this sort of attention/treatment. I suspect it's meant affectionately, so it's not that it bothers me. It just confuses me. Why am I different from the other girls? Why am I so much fun to needle?

1 comment:

  1. Mrs Duck is always getting teased at work. And I dont help, sometimes joining in via email. Its done all in fun and with love though and the reason they all do it is because she is so funny when she gets excited. Maybe thats why you get nailed.


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