I try to do that. I'm in a ditch, a rut. Nothing large nor small is going my way these days. When the big goes bad, it's easy to let the small things really weigh me down. Whether it's the waste of time/money on my hair, or the way my teeth keep falling out of my head, or how today, as the mattress delivery man was carrying away my old bedding he managed to completely decimate the ceiling fan.
His first comment wasn't "oops" or "sorry," it was to say, "that can't be fixed." While I thought that was odd, I ruefully responded that this "free delivery/haul away" was going to be expensive for me. He is coming over Sunday with a new ceiling fan, which he will install for free in the hope that I won't report the incident to his bosses. We shall see what he brings over, and whether he can install it it without shorting out the electricity in Cook County.
Oh, and I didn't take how thick the fabulous new mattress is into consideration when I bought it. Of my six sets of sheets, only one has pockets deep enough to accommodate the new bed. Oh, good! Linens is just what I want to spend money on these days!
And the art director I'm stuck in double harness with is still letting her marital problems compromise her day-to-day performance and productivity, even though her husband has been either having an affair or not* for at least 10 months now! A baby could have been conceived and delivered -- an entire new human being could have joined us in this world -- in the amount of time she has spent sniffling and staring into space.
All of this keeps going on against a backdrop of illness and affairs of the heart in my own life. It seems unfair and a little tiring that the little shit keeps pummeling me as I wrestle with the BIG ISSUES.
But I'm trying to keep my sense of humor and my sense of proportion. The first has always been a strength. The second? Um … not so much. But I'm trying! And I ask myself, "WWSD?" What would Scarlett do? She'd take this fence clean, like a good hunter. And so I grasp the reins tightly, lean forward in the saddle, and just try to keep going.
*I have avoided sharing the observation that it's true of every adult isn't it? Aren't we all -- from Queen Elizabeth or Zsa Zsa Gabor's husband to the woman who makes my sandwich at the Bread Factory -- either having an extramarital affair, or not?
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