Sunday, October 15, 2006

Why aren't I more upset?

My immediate team of coworkers is small, 9 in all. I know one of my merry little band is resigning Monday morning. I suspect a second will, as well. They will be hard to replace, and when we get busier, their absence will mean more responsibility for me.

How's this for a kick in the ass? The one I know for sure is leaving is someone who begged and pleaded that I suspend my own job search, that I stick it out for a while to help her become acclimated to this job, to our client. That was 6 months ago. Now she's out of here, following a former boss to a new job.

And then there's the fact that of the six who remain, I can't stand two of them.

I should be furious. I should be worried. I should be anxious.

But mostly, I'm just thinking that I have a short workweek and a trip to Vegas ahead of me.

Have I mellowed? Or is there a delayed stress reaction in my future?

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