Sunday, October 15, 2006

We may have finally reached critical mass

I believe in the two-party system. I get misty when I hear patriotic songs. I don't believe in the politics of destruction and try to vote FOR a candidate, rather than against his opponent.

However, I have lived in Cook County all my life. The only way to maintain my idealism is to look the other way, or at least look at certain situations and wink.

But this gubernatorial race makes it hard.

Judy Baar Topinka was treasurer alongside our former Governor, George Ryan. The one who is convicted and headed to prison, where he will most likely die while serving his sentence. The misdeeds Ryan was found guilty of are horrible, even by Cook County standards. It is hard to believe that JBT wasn't aware of the shenanigans.

Even if she didn't know what then Governor Ryan was up to, look at who she chose as her running mate. Joe Birkett. One of the convicts that Northwestern University students helped take from death row to exoneration was Rolando Cruz. Birkett was in charge of the attorneys who zealously prosecuted Cruz. I would prefer it if when the State of Illinois executes someone in my name, that the defendent be guilty. I'm old-fashioned that way. (Oh, I know; George Ryan helped reform the death penalty in this state. Nothing here is simple.)

JBT is running against the incumbent, Rod Blagojevich. I have always tried to like him. He ran a brave campaign last time, winning an office so tainted by corruption I was amazed anyone would want it. I had hoped he would be a breath of fresh air. That was before Tony Rezko, the Governor's fundraiser, was indicted. Rezko is not in the country right now and rumor has it he will avoid prosecution by simply staying out of the country.


Even I am having a hard time overlooking that.

I'm voting for Blagojevich, but I don't really care if he wins. For the first time I am agreeing with my more cynical friends who say, "What difference will it make? They are all crooks."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:54 PM

    I'm voting for Rich Whitney, the Green Party's candidate for Illinois Governor!


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