Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Waiting … just waiting

We have to get a project out tonight. First I had to wait around for the account team to get it together so they could share the client-requested changes. That happened a little after 12 noon. I did my little wordsmithing, and now I'm waiting for the art director so I can make sure all the changes were implemented properly. Waiting … waiting …

The waiting makes me nervous. I wish I was at the health club, working off all this energy. But I can't go to lunch yet. Have to be here when the art director is done. I wish I was at home, watching legal history being made on Court TV. I wish I was on the phone to my best friend, who I haven't heard from since Friday. I wish I was having a beer, or a Xanax.

This job isn't really that hard. We just make it hard. For example, the art director just sent corrected files to everyone, including our production team, before I had a chance to review them. They aren't correct. Now she'll have to do them again (which will probably result in a major pout) and the production team will get confused as to which file to use. And it all could have been avoided if she had run things past me first.

I've been in advertising forever. Very little that I see surprises me anymore. I've been in this situation before. It's just that as the years go by, I seem to have less and less patience. The deadlines and the adrenaline aren't exciting anymore. Now they are just annoying. Perhaps because over time I have learned how unnecessary so much of this activity really is.

Waiting … waiting …


  1. Anonymous9:48 AM

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  2. Anonymous7:19 PM

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