Friday, January 10, 2025

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Calendar Girl (1960)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) How will you keep track of your days/weeks in 2025? Do you have a desk planner? A wall calendar? A pocket planner? Do you use the app on your phone? I have an ASPCA wall calendar in the kitchen and pocket planner that's tucked in my address book (yes, I still have an old school address book).

Troy is the ASPCA's calendar boy

2) Consider your typical week. Which day tends to be your busiest? Either Monday or Tuesday. Monday, if I'm working, because I also have movie group that night. Tuesday is yoga and whatever doctor/dentist appointments I have planned. It's funny what passes for busy now that I've quit advertising. Since covid lockdown and retirement, I've become very, very comfortable with my days being wide open.
3) This week's artist, Neil Sedaka, is one of pop music's most prolific singer-songwriters, but his first love was classical music. He was so good that he trained at Julliard and won the accolade, "Best New York High School Pianist." Recall one of your passions from your high school years. I wrote a lot of fiction when I was a teenager. I brought my spiral notebook with me whenever I went babysitting and once the kids fell asleep, I became Louisa Mae Alcott.

4) Elton John has always enjoyed Sedaka's music and in the 1970s, when Elton was one of the world's top stars, he requested a meeting. If you had the power to contact and then meet anyone in the world, who would you choose? It changes. A month ago I would have said Doris Kearns Goodwin because she's a respected historian and we live in unprecedented times. Today I'd say Marcia Clark because I have questions about her book regarding the Barbara Graham case ... and of course I'd still like to ask her about OJ. Or maybe Justin Trudeau because he's yummy, newly single and soon to be out of the public eye for a while. I think I could learn to love Ottawa. (Yes, I am shallow.)
5) Sedaka appeared as the musical guest during the second season of Saturday Night Live. What's the most recent show you watched on TV? Was it live, from your dvr, or did you stream it? It was the news, so it was live.

6) His daughter Dara sings on TV and radio commercials. What advertising jingle sticks in your head? Anyone who has ever lived in Chicago knows the phone number for Empire.

7) In 1960, when "Calendar Girl" was popular, To Kill a Mockingbird was first published. Have you read it? Yes. It was assigned to us in high school and I loved it then -- much more than the book that followed it, Moby Dick, which I will not apologize for loathing -- and have revisited it as an adult. I think it's fascinating that the character of Dill was based on Truman Capote. Was there something in the water in little Monroeville, AL that created two of America's best writers?

8) Also in 1960, John F. Kennedy, Jr. was baptized in the Georgetown University Chapel. His godparents were Charles and Martha Bartlett, the couple who introduced his famous parents. Do you have any godchildren? Nope.

9) Random question -- Which did you enjoy more: the last week of 2024 or the first week of 2025? Christmas was a little hectic, but I had a tenacious cold and then a pinched nerve during the first week in January, so I'll go with the last week of 2024.


  1. Oh I love your wall calendar and I also have an old school address book. I still buy corgi calendars in honor of Mandy. :*( It was like losing a child when we lost her. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend!

  2. Our younger selves probably would have gotten along very well. I enjoyed writing, too, and more importantly, I loathed Moby Dick.

    We used to hear the Empire jingle here, as well. I hadn't thought of it in ages, but as soon as I saw the phone number I started singing!

  3. I didn't know Herman Melville wrote /lived in AL. He was born in NYC and he wrote Moby Dick in Pittsfield MA which is only about a 35 min drive east from my house! i'll have to research this!
    I did know that Harper Lee was born and raised in Alabama.
    In fact his home in MA is now a museum!!

    1. Harper Lee wrote To Kill a Mockingbird and based the character of Dill on her childhood friend, Truman Capote. Those are the two writers I was referring to. I'm sorry but Melville doesn't interest me at all so I know nothing about his upbringing.

  4. Oh, you're right--Justin Trudeau would be a very interesting person to meet. My students were all abuzz that he's "quitting" but I assured them that after serving for 9+ years it was not quitting but stepping aside.

  5. Harper Lee and Truman Capote … what an interesting team …

  6. The year is starting out weird. Not a good sign. I hope you are feeling better.

  7. I remember that Empire Carpet Ad from when we lived in downstate Illinois years ago. I think they played it in California and Arizona too. Is that company even around any more? Hope you are having a good weekend!

  8. #2 Retirement does have its advantages.
    #4 Justin Trudeau, good choice!
    #9 Your holiday season sounds a lot like mine… sick.


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