Friday, November 29, 2024

November Challenge -- Day 29

November Challenge: Five weird things you like

Find the challenge here
1. Falling down rabbit holes. I look up a thing and then it takes me to another thing and before I know it, an hour is gone. For example, I recently stumbled upon a documentary about Lee Harvey Oswald's wedding ring. He took it off on the morning of 11/22/63 and left it, along with all his cash, in a teacup on the nightstand beside his sleeping wife and then went off to kill the President. The Secret Service took custody of it along with Oswald's other personal possessions. It languished in the home of a Fort Worth lawyer until upon his death it was returned to Oswald's widow. After all, it had no direct connection to the assassination. In 2013 she sold it at auction for $108,000, and now it's in the Dallas Sixth Floor Museum. PS Did you know Jackie's iconic pillbox hat from that day is still missing? It's true. Everything else she wore that day, right down to her blood-stained nylons, is locked away at the National Archives. But no one has seen the hat since Jackie removed it at Parkland Hospital. I have my suspicions ... (<<< I am such a nerd.)

2. Chocolate milk. I drink it every day. Yes, I really am 67. Don't judge me.

3. Breaking down boxes. It's my favorite part of my job at the card shop, yet nobody else wants to do it. When shipment comes in, and all the new merchandise is unpacked, there's always boxes to ready for the recycling bin.

4. Putting laundry away. It means I'm done with the chore and I feel accomplished.

5.  Eating my portions one at a time. Example: I finish all of my vegetables before I touch the main course. I don't see why this is weird, but people have commented on it, so it must be. (My icky grandmother used to spurt in frustration at family dinners.)



  1. I think it's great that you drink chocolate milk. If I could drink milk, I would do that.

  2. I know several people that don't like their food to touch on the plate, so eating one thing before moving on to the next is not weird to me.


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