Thursday, November 14, 2024

November Challenge -- Day 14

Find the challenge here

November Challenge: What you wore today

I checked the work schedule and saw that today at the card shop I would be working with Rose, not Jen. Rose is very young and her style is rather funky and Bohemian. Therefore I felt under no obligation to dress like a nice grown up. So I wore my faded jeans and a crew neck baseball sweater. No team in particular, just a lilac and cream sweater. It's very comfortable and I was happy to see it for the first time this fall. Oh yeah, white Nikes.

I've noticed that Jen and Lainie dress up for work. Rose and Kamilah dress to express themselves. Our new, temp manager, Katie, is very casual, as was Ceecee. I adapt my ensemble to mimic theirs, as best I can. I'll never be the fashion plate Lainie is, or dress with Jen's expensive eye to accessories, but I do put more thought into it when I'm on the floor with them.




  1. Now I am wondering how you would dress if you were just being you.

  2. That is the best thing about being retired. Not having to dress up!

  3. I had to look up baseball sweaters as I wasn't sure what they were.


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