Saturday, October 05, 2024

And they're allowed to operate machinery!

MAGA is so gullible. They believe whatever they're told by a man who panders, sows dissent, and is running to keep himself out of jail.

No, FEMA is not running out of money because it's all going to migrants. Yes, FEMA is suffering a money crunch but that's because Congress refused to allocate additional funds. In September. Oh yeah, who do you think voted against more money for FEMA: The very folks MAGA supports, like Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida. While Florida Sen. Rick Scott didn't oppose it, he simply skipped the vote. So, Floridians, don't blame Joe Biden, Kamala Harris or any of those scary POCs for the straits you're in. Look at your legislators.

How can illegal immigration still be a problem when Donald Trump had four years to build a war, a beautiful wall, that Mexico paid for? Actually, the Trump Administration only added 80 miles of new wall. That's twenty miles a year. And we paid for it. Yeah, this is the mastermind we want to restore to power.

Kindly stop wrapping your racism in my Christian faith. Instead check out the Book of Matthew: "As you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." If there's a passage about demonizing vulnerable immigrants for "eating the dogs and eating the cats," I missed it.

Their willful ignorance would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous. There's likely little on earth that Liz Cheney and Bruce Springsteen agree on. Yet they agree that Donald Trump is a threat to this country. I ride with them. 

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