Tuesday, August 27, 2024

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 27

Today's happiness: "I'm glad you were here today."

My 2024 Happiness Icon

Monday was a bad day at the card shop. I'm glad I wasn't there yesterday. The store was robbed by a homeless man, likely off his meds. He grabbed a lot of stuff from the gift rack beside the register -- hair clips, headbands, brushes. Never once asked anyone to open the register. He just filled his arms and left. It was very disturbing for the women working there. It was aggressive, yet it made no sense because nothing he took had any resale value. Ceecee, the manager on duty, pressed the button near the register that alerts the local police. Laney went in back and phoned regional headquarters. It went to voicemail. Both women acted just as they were trained to. No one was hurt. Nothing of value was taken. But it was upsetting nevertheless.

When I got to the store this morning, Ceecee and Jen were both there and both very upset. No one from corporate had called the store back. No one inquired about how the staff was doing. In fact, the head of our region sent Ceecee an email to cancel their previously-scheduled meeting.

They vented to me, separately. I learned that Corporate's apathetic attitude was a turning point for them both. Jen is actually going to sit down with her husband, "crunch numbers," and decide on how soon she can quit and look for another job. Ceecee wondered aloud why she worked so hard for a company that cared so little about her physical/emotional well being.

I told Ceecee that, though I'm new to retail, I'm not new to corporate. OF COURSE they don't care as much as she does. Ceecee is a Mama Bear, looking out for her cubs (us). To her, the robbery was a big deal and she wants support in making her team feel safe. To corporate, it's just something that happened to just one of the nine stores in this region. No one was physically hurt, not much money was lost. What's the big deal? She thanked me for the perspective.

I advised Jen not to act hastily. She's upset now. But she knows the store so well and cares so much. She shouldn't leave it to get out, she should leave to go to something. Something she will find fulfilling. Instead of figuring out when she can afford to quit, she should take a breath and choose what she wants her next chapter to be.

I was very glad to give back to the two women who have done the most to ease me into this new job. As she was leaving, Jen said, "I'm glad you were here today. Thanks." That made me so happy.

Happy August Happiness Challenge!
Each day in August you are to post about something that makes *you* happy. Pretty simple. And, it doesn't even have to be every day if you don't want it to be. It's a great way to remind ourselves that there are positive things going on in our lives, our communities, and the world.




  1. A robbery like that would be upsetting, but it's good that you could provide your coworkers with some calming perspective. Unfortunately, such events are becoming more and more common. I'm glad that no one was hurt.

  2. Having you as a voice of reason must have been soothing to both women.

  3. As always, you offered sound advice. I'm glad you weren't there.


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