Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Thursday Thirteen #369

It was 30 years ago edition. I recently discovered Mad About You in reruns on the RewindTV cable channel. I'm enjoying it. I don't know why I didn't watch it when it originally aired -- maybe because I had a rather active social life back in the day. 

But anyway, the top shows of 1994 were iconic and influential. While Seinfeld and Roseanne still make me throw up in my mouth, there's no denying the enduring popularity of (most of) these shows.

Nielson's Top 13 of the 1994 season:

1. Seinfeld

2. ER

3. Home Improvement

4. Grace Under Fire (Brett Butler was so hot for a while, then she disappeared)

5. Monday Night Football

6. 60 Minutes (It's been on more than 50 years now)

7. NYPD Blue

8. Murder, She Wrote

tied with

8. Friends (still my favorite show)

9. Roseanne

10. Mad About You

11. Madman of the People (I have no memory of this show at all)

12. Ellen (the sitcom, not the daytime talk show)

13. Hope and Gloria (I don't recall this one, either)

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.


  1. I had to look at the links for #11 and 13 but I vaguely remember them. I used to watch so much television! Now I go months without turning it on.

  2. Ah, 1994. When I was in college, working swing shift, and did not watch as much TV as I had when I was in high school. I caught most of those shows on occasion (well, not football), some more than others. I did like Mad About You. Great show.

  3. I didn't watch Home Improvement when it first came on because I thought it was a show about . . . home repair. But I did watch Mad About You, although I can scarcely remember it. I always did like Helen Hunt.

  4. We use to watch Mad About You all the time. Helen Hunt was a favorite. Friends was also good for the first couple of seasons. I never could stand Roseanne. It was like 30 minutes of nothing but insults. Stupid. This was an interesting post.


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