Saturday, July 13, 2024

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer (1963)

 Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Nat King Cole sings about enjoying "soda and pretzels and beer." Which of those three would we find in your kitchen right now? Soda (Coca Cola).

2) The lyrics mention a romantic movie. Which movie couple do you believe had onscreen chemistry? I hope Harry and Sally lived happily ever after.

3) He wishes "summer could always be here." How has your summer been so far? Too hot! My favorite-most ballplayer, Anthony Rizzo, is on the injured list. I miss my friend, John. Sometimes I wish we could just fast forward to pumpkin spice. But then I remember I like the little things about summer, like not having to wear socks and that the sun is still out at 8:00 PM, and I'm happy again.

4) According to the song, a great warm weather meal includes sandwiches and weinies. Tell us about your perfect sandwich or, if you prefer, what you believe is the ideal way to dress a hot dog. First I spread mayo along the inside bottom of the bun. This is key. Then I add relish or pickle. (Depending on what's available.) Then the hot dog. Finally ketchup. Only slather one condiment on top of your dog. Trust me: If you put too much on top of the dog, it will just dribble all over your shirt.

5) Nat was a big baseball fan. Growing up in Chicago he played sandlot games and listened to Cubs games on the radio. As an adult he was a season ticket holder at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles. Do you enjoy playing/watching baseball or softball? Only as much as I enjoy breathing. Unfortunately, just because I love Major League Baseball doesn't mean it loves me back. This season has been hard, especially with Rizzo struggling so. At least there's this guy. Shota Imanaga is a joy! Our only All Star. So deserving!

He just shut out the Orioles!

6) The lyrics of this week's song were written by Charlie Tobias, who wanted to create a sense of nostalgia for summers gone by. Share one of your special summer memories. I remember riding around in the backseat, listening to my dad sing along with this song on the radio. He was not a happy man, and little moments where I sensed he was truly enjoying himself stayed with me.

7) In 1963, one of the best-selling books was Happiness Is a Warm Puppy by Charles Schultz. The cover showed Lucy giving Snoopy a big hug. Name another character from the Peanuts comic strip. Charlie Brown.

8) Also in 1963, men were wearing thin, solid-color ties. Later in the decade, ties would become wider, patterned and more colorful. Where do you turn to keep up with fashion trends? I don't really bother anymore. When I want to add to my wardrobe, I check out Thredup for ideas.

9) Random question: Would you rather be a cowboy or a pirate? Cowboy! I'd much rather ride a horse than sail on a ship.



  1. We love baseball too. We took our daughter and family to our local minor league team, the Salt Lake Bees, and had a lovely night. There is no place like the ballpark on a summer evening. I am so glad we took our kids to so many baseball games while they were growing up.

  2. I love the long days of summer. We have a double header today don't we? I am excited to watch. Enjoy the games! You are right about the rivalry. Loved your answers!
    Have a nice weekend! ♥

  3. I strongly suspect that I am the only Sat 9er who went crazy on #9. I liked your memory of your dad.

  4. I loved the car concert memory. I'm a total pirate--I think of the heists they planned! (and piracy today is not only on the high seas)

  5. You and I can be cowboys together.

  6. I put cowboy, but I would rather be on the water than on a horse. I have no padding!

  7. No socks and daylight till 9:00...that may be my new mantra for the summer. I hate this stinking heat, but there are positives.

  8. As a lifelong Mets fan I can understand your pain.


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