Monday, June 17, 2024

Trustbridge, Hospice by the Sea

That's where Henry will live out his remaining days. He's receiving palliative care, so I am trying to find comfort in his comfort.

I found out the way Reg's 552 Facebook Friends did, with a social media post titled, "Hello, Everyone." He reports he hasn't cried. Just like Reg, to make this about Reg. I wonder how different Henry's life would be today if Reg could have just once gotten out of his own way and listened to other people who also love Henry.

But I'll never know that.

Henry's faith in God has always been unwavering. As a gay man raised Catholic, he's had major problems with organized religion over the years. But never with his faith. I don't know for sure what's going on in that bruised and broken mind of his, but I know he's conversing somehow with God. 

For his body to be in comfort and his soul at peace, that's what I wish for him now. He was a dear, loving man. If he loved you -- and he loved me -- he saw only good. He deserves all the grace God can give.

His mother died recently. She's waiting for him in Heaven. Their reunion will be beautiful.




  1. It must be a relief to know he's getting the care he needs. Bless him.

  2. This is a lovely post and tribute to your dear friend Henry. It is so hard to lose those we love. You and Henry will both be in my prayers as he moves toward his "graduation day. "

  3. I'm so sorry about Henry. I know you will miss him always. He sounds like a lovely man.


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