Saturday, November 04, 2023

I got home and slept

I kinda sorta returned to work yesterday. I spent four hours at the card shop Friday. I got my name plate and my Employee Number. I filled out my W-4. I watched an hour's worth of HR videos about avoiding a hostile workplace. I met my coworkers, including the one who rescued me I looked blankly at a customer who asked me where the Bat Mitzvah cards were.

I went to the bank, made dinner, and took a nap. 

Then I woke up, answered some emails and did a little online banking. Then I went to bed.

So yesterday I made $80 and slept. 

Monday is my first real day of work. I can tell this is going to be an adjustment. I'm going to be using muscles left to atrophy for a year.

And I'm going to wander around the shop and learn where all the cards are.


  1. Learning where the cards are--that's a fun prospect. When I worked retail we had to know where products were and we made a game of trying to stump each other with the most obscure items.

  2. You're going back to work? That's huge. I hope it is a good fit and all that you want and need it to be!

  3. I hope you enjoy the new job. I know a little extra cash always comes in handy.


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