Friday, October 20, 2023

Saturday 9

Saturday 9: Something More (2005)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) Sugarland's lead singer Jennifer Nettles describes a busy morning that begins with a cup of coffee. Do you start your day with a cup of joe? Never. I hate the way coffee smells. I drink milk in the morning.

2) When she gets home from work, she sings that her house is dirty but says housework can wait until she has a glass of wine. Is there a particular chore on your "to-do" list that you keep putting off? I have a box from the office that I need to go through. Considering I've been retired a year, I think it's time! To be honest, I don't really remember what's in it.

3) The lyrics tell us happiness is something we can create. Do you agree? I think it's true to a large extent. But I also think each of us has to face challenges, and it's okay to not be okay.

4) In the video of this week's song, the members of Sugarland ride along in a vintage Cadillac. Are you one of those drivers who has a nickname for your car? No car.

5) The group hitches a ride in a red truck. The auto insurance industry tells us that Americans favor vehicles in the grayscale colors. Nearly 80% of cars on the road today are white, black, gray or silver. What color is your vehicle? No car.

6) Nettles achieved her dream of performing on Broadway when she took over the role of Roxy in Chicago. What's your fantasy job? Millionaire.

7) She wrote a cookbook with her mom called Sweet, Savory and Simple. When it was originally published, it was spiral bound. That way, it could be laid flat on the counter as the cook tries one of the recipes. How many cookbooks do you own? I believe I still have one around here somewhere. It has a recipe for the perfect fried egg on toast, which I wanted to master for a certain guy I was crazy about. The desire to please him soon passed, but I think the cookbook remains.

8) In 2005, when "Something More" was topping the country charts, Paul McCartney won a People's Choice Award for his concert tour. Do you have any plans to enjoy music performed live between now and the end of the year? Nope.

9) Random question: Who received the most recent compliment you gave? I reminded my former coworker, Rita, that her greatest gift is her enthusiasm. I warned her not to try to be more senior or sophisticated than she is, that her joy in the work makes her stand out in a very good way.


  1. I have one cup of coffee in the morning and 2 cups of milk in the evening. I think I have a box in the garage from work and I retired 11 years ago!

  2. What a thoughtful compliment.

  3. I'd like to be a millionaire too (tho these days, $1 million isn't what it once was)

  4. Very interesting response to #9. You are thoughtful and insightful

  5. I vaguely remember what joy in work feels like. I miss that.

  6. Your answer to number 3, I love that reminder. It IS okay to NOT be okay. No shame in that. And in keeping with your answer to number, I floated the idea of being a kept woman!

  7. You've been retired for a year already??? Where on earth did that year go??? Ha, a millionaire...that's my dream job, too!


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