Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Thursday Thirteen #326

Thirteen websites I visit all the time. I admit I borrowed this idea from Kwizgiver.

1. Facebook. It's how I stay in touch with people and how I inflict my Cubbie/Rizzo love on them.

2. Because it's baseball season.

3. Because it's baseball season.

4. Yes, I bank with the monolith. They have a real monopoly on ATMs here in Chicagoland. (Yes, I still use cash.)

5. Twitter. I refuse to call it X. It's where I live tweet with my TCM buddies when my favorite movies are being shown, and get my latest New York Yankees news and rumors. (I must know what's up with my forever Captain, Anthony Rizzo.)

6. Sometimes I want to know my favorite channel's lineup far in advance.
7. Everything is there. Really. They have literally everything.

8. I keep track of what I've read and get ideas for what to read next.

9. It's like Goodreads, but for movies.

10. My local pizza place. They often offer coupons online and I'm a pizza slut. Go ahead, judge me. I won't change.

11. USPS tracking. This one annoys my oldest friend because she says it encourages me to worry about something I have no control over. She's right, of course. But I won't change.

12. My big tuxedo, Roy Hobbs, likes the Purina Pro Plan Salmon and it sells out quickly. I order it online and pick it up at my local store.

13. Blogger. How else can I keep up with you lovely people?

Please join us for THURSDAY THIRTEEN. Click here to play along, and to see other interesting compilations of 13 things.



  1. We even buy tractor parts on Amazon. They have everything.

  2. Anonymous2:34 PM

    This is zippi. The iPad is a poot for answering or leaving comments. Love this, and is a great idea for thirteen lists. I need to learn more as mine are too long. Have a great weekend. See you on Sat9.

  3. I don't want to call it X, either.

  4. This is an excellent idea for a Thursday 13, and I may have to steal it when I am able to do another Thursday 13 (it'll be a couple months).

    I love TCM and Twitter, too. I'm trying to get into Threads as Twitter isn't what it used to be, but I'm not quite fully switched over yet. And I'm with you on tracking packages. You may have no control over it, but there's something soothing in watching your package being picked up from wherever it's coming from and knowing that as soon as it hits your metro area, you're getting it the next day. I love to watch packages I ship out, as well, knowing they've arrived at their destination.

  5. Swap out MLB for NHL for me! And I, too, refuse to acknowledge X.

  6. I go to many of these same websites, including Goodreads, Amazon, USPS tracking and of course Blogger. I got off of X (Twitter) after the election. Trump's rants were too upsetting. Now he is back. Still upsetting. I will stay away. I hope you have a good weekend! See you again soon!


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