Tuesday, September 05, 2023

No Joy in Mudville


He was in the dugout tonight with his teammates and he continues his post-concussion rehab in the Yankee Stadium facilities but, with a month to go, the specialists just don't think Anthony Rizzo will be ready to take the field again before the season is over.

I know from my friend Henry that brain injuries require diligent aftercare. I am glad they are being careful with him now. Now. I am still beyond pissed that it took the Yankees medical staff two fucking months to diagnose this.

I don't know how much of my impotent rage is tied to Henry. But I am not okay with this. Not by the longest shot. 


  1. I'm glad he's highlighting the importance of vigilant brain injury care.

  2. I can understand why this upsets you. I hope your guy will be ok.


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