Wednesday, August 09, 2023

August Happiness Challenge -- Day 9

My 2023 Happiness Icon

Today's Happiness: Feathers on the end of a wand

It was bound to happen: today my happiness is reflected by my happiness icon.

Roy Hobbs was chunky when I adopted him. Almost 2 years and 2 lbs. later, he is fat. In addition to having an indefatigable appetite, he has no interest in moving. This is not a recipe for weight loss.

He doesn't care for the catnip mice, balls and pom-poms that so amuse Connie. So I went in a different direction and came home with a "bird." Really just feathers at the end of a wand. I loved watching Roy Hobbs chasing and leaping to get those feathers. His face was puffy, his eyes were bright, and he was engaged and happy. And so I was happy, too.



  1. I can picture this. So glad that Roy Hobbs and you are both happy. Hubby and I are thinking of getting another cat once we settle in here at our house. I am loving your happiness challenge posts. I would like to play along, but this month is so crazy with the start of school, but I may try something similar in September.

  2. Sounds like good exercise for the cat, anyway. You may end up with a sore wrist or something!

  3. I hope Roy Hobbs enjoys his sneaky exercise.


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