Monday, July 17, 2023

New and improved

The annual library book sale was early this year, in July instead of August. This is just one of many changes since covid caused everyone to re-evaluate everything.

It's now smaller, but more lucrative. For decades, the sale was done a certain way. Books were collected for nearly two full months and then the high school cafeteria was transformed into a book store. The result was a massive number of books and long lines of book lovers, waiting to get in. That Friday night was an event. 

But there was a considerable cost attached to that. The high school demanded payment for the space, and it was expensive. Not unreasonable -- we live in a time when students are the target of mass shooters -- so there were security guards all day and into the evening, first when the books were donated and sorted, then when the sale tables were set up, and finally for the sale.

Also, with all those donations, a heartbreaking number of books were destroyed. Even though Sunday was free to schools, hospitals, daycare and senior centers, as well as us volunteers. The book sale committee wasn't aware of any organization who would take the leftovers at no cost, and with what was being paid for high school security, they didn't want to cut further into profits.

Covid gave the committee an opportunity to look at the sale with fresh eyes. Instead of using the high school, it was decided to hold the sale in the library's conference rooms. (A room for children's books, another for cookbooks, etc.) This saves the cost of the high school security guards and -- I love this! -- it gets people into the library. Let them see everything this community jewel has to offer.

Donations were limited to four weeks. There simply isn't room at the library to collect and then display a high school cafeteria's worth of books. Instead of destroying the books left over, Better World Books agreed to come and pick them up, if we packed them into the cartons we provided. (The first day I volunteered I literally spent hours making Better World Books boxes.) Thank you, Better World Books!

I spoke briefly to the new Vice President of the library's "friends" and she told me this new way of doing thing has made more money for the library than ever!

This year, on volunteer free day, I only got one book for myself. A William Goldman book from the 1980s I somehow missed called Heat. I still love books and have two going at any time, but I'm borrowing more from the library than buying. My home is just over stuffed!

I did leave with free books for my aunt (she loves Michael Connelly), a paperback of Key West short stories for my friend Patrick, a study of Bruce Springsteen for Mindy, and some DVDs for my oldest friend. Now all I have to do is pack them up and ship 'em off.

One thing hasn't changed: Every year there's a book donated in bigger numbers than any other. A book many of my neighbors bought and then decided not to keep. I suspect it's a tome chosen by local book clubs.

This year, the winner of this dubious honor has been here before. My Life by Bill Clinton is back at #1, first time since 2009.

2022, 2019, 2018 and 2017: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

2016: The Help

2015: The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet’s Nest

2014: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

2013: The DaVinci Code

2012: Sixkill (a Spenser Mystery)

2011: The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood

2010: Scarlett, the Sequel to Margaret Mitchell’s Gone with the Wind

2009: My Life by Bill Clinton

2008: The DaVinci Code

2007: The Nanny Diaries

2006: The Corrections


  1. Interesting that Clinton is in the top spot again.

  2. I'm glad that the library sale was a success. It's interesting to see the most donated book titles. I think it is so great that you volunteered at this event. Like you, I have more books than I can really manage, especially as I get older, so I am using the library, listening to audio and reading more on my Kindle app. I haven't completely stopped buying books, but I have cut back and I am letting go of books I don't love. I hope your week goes well. See you again soon!

  3. I have stopped (mostly) buying books, too, except on the Kindle occasionally. Mostly I am using the Libby app from the library. I prefer real books but I don't borrow them from the library because I'm so sensitive to smells and library books frequently smell (like cigarettes, pets, grape jelly, whatever).


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