Saturday, January 28, 2023

The cruelty is the point

Another conspiracy theory debunked. Paul Pelosi obviously wasn't embarrassed at home in a gay tryst. He was the victim of a violent attack at the hands of a home invader. It was an act of political violence, and everyone should be horrified.

Except we aren't. Some proud members of the GOP made fun of the attack. Others made the victim complicit. I doubt, though, that any of them are ashamed.

I remember a comment Mary Trump made about her famous uncle. "The cruelty is the point." Some MAGA folks equate cruelty with strength and strength with power. What galls me about them is that they uniformly claim to be Christian. Their behavior reflects what I learned in the schoolyard, not in Sunday School. 

Adam Kinzinger is a former representative with whom I agree on almost no policy issues. But I have never doubted that he is decent and has a moral compass. Maybe because he's a decorated veteran who flew missions in Afghanistan, he doesn't feel the need to prove his bravery by being bitchy at the keyboard. Anyway, I love his Twitter post.

See it on his feed here.

And I'll leave you with the wildly witty scion of the Trump family. .


The Republican party cast out Kinzinger and seems to embrace the Trumps. The GOP is the party of casual cruelty.


  1. Yes, I completely agree with you. The attack on Paul Pelosi was horrifying and should be very scary to every decent person in the nation. I have found that most of the people who say they are Christians really have no idea what that means and don't act very Christian at all. I appreciate your perspective on this. So sad and so true.

  2. Hello from Long Island, the home of George Santos. I also have to wonder how the Republican Party fell so low.

  3. The GQP has been taken over by authoritarianism and the lowest common denominator of thinking in this country. I gave up on being a Christian because of Christians. I know there are good people out there, like you, but well, the other kind do so much harm that the religion seems like something that should go away, sooner rather than later.

  4. There is a song I learned called "They will know you are Christians by your love." I am a Christian that does not condone evil behavior by anyone. It is really sad to see how many are so blind to real truth of what Jesus taught. I agree with you on Kinsinger.

  5. I've lived a long time, in most of this life I've been politically active. I've never seen the level of hatred being spewed by these GOP politicians, ever. Not even through the McCarthy era or any other stress point. This is insane. How did we get here. How did Christians get here? It started in the 60's with the rallies of the so called "Moral Majority". We should look to that as a genesis. I know I do. They were insane and they were MOTIVATED.

  6. I completely agree. What bothers me is that so many americans think they can rule the world. Better not. The polarisation between people is so large... we need someone very wise.


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