Monday, February 17, 2020

Tuesday 4

Toiletries and Cosmetics 


1. What brand of shampoo do you think works best for you and what does it do for you? Four days/week I use Nizoral. At my dermatologist's recommendation. The bottle says it's a dandruff shampoo, and I wish I had dandruff, because there are far cheaper alternatives out there! Nizoral is the only OTC shampoo that contains ketoconazole, which helps control my scalp oil and irritation.


2. Do you have a favorite brand and shade of lipstick and blush? Nope. I don't wear them anymore. I think they age me. But when I was younger, I never left the house without wearing blusher.

3. Is soap your favorite for face washing or do you use other products? I use Aveeno Face Wash.

4. Do you have an all time favorite perfume or scent that you wear? If you don't wear perfumes, is there a scent that you love in general? I'm with Liz. Black Pearls, to be exact. It's been discontinued, but I have a secret stash


  1. Ohhh.. Black Pearls. Very nice!
    I've heard good things about Aveeno.

  2. Ahhhh Aveeno! I like Liz Black Diamonds, I think that what its called. Have a great Tuesday!

  3. I don't think I've ever smelled Black Pearls. White Diamonds is my mom's signature scent...and the whole family hates it. It clings to everything. If she holds the kids, they smell like it. If she gives you something that's been in her house, it smells like it. My daughter says it smells like "old lady." Maybe I should look for some Black Pearls on Amazon and see if we can switch her up.

  4. I'm enjoying everyone's answers. Giving me some ideas of things I might like to try.

  5. I enjoyed reading your answers! Hope your week is going well! Blessings! :)

  6. My mom liked Elizabeth Taylor. My mom could not wear perfumes like me. I will have to tell my daughter in law about Nizoral.

  7. I have never tried Aveeno face wash and things like this make me want to run out and get it...hahahaha. This was a fun meme for me! Loved your answers! Have a great week!

  8. I enjoyed your answers. Have a good week.



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