Saturday, April 22, 2017

One of those days ...

Broadcast News from Anton Tokman on Vimeo.

I had to have everything in the world done by 5:00 Friday.

I am proud of myself. There are times that I know I'm really good at this job, and today was one of those days.

I'm also filled with anxiety. While I am confident I did the best I could with what I was given, I also know I wasn't provided the proper timing, staff or upfront information I need to do all I'm capable of.

The presentation is Monday. I'll be on the phone from my den -- I told everyone when we began (last Monday at 4:00 PM) that contractors will be working in my home and so I'm taking a long-scheduled day off. My boss is going to present in my stead but he wants me on the phone, just in case someone has a question that he can't answer.

I'm alternately flattered and annoyed. Flattered because, in this industry and our unsure environment, it's good to know I'm important to the process. Annoyed because my regular art director is on a two-week vacation and everything possible was done to accommodate her. I take one day -- ONE. DAY. -- and I have to be by the phone, just in case.


  1. Oh, I so relate to this. Monday will be a cake walk!

  2. Hope it all went well!


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