Then I got my hair cut and colored. My stylist is so funny. I've known him almost my whole life and can attest that he is, indeed, racist and anti-Semitic. He doesn't believe he is. (Example: He thinks that because he hugs his mailman and tips him big every Christmas, he now has "a black friend." I try not to roll my eyes.) Anyway, he spent most of the cut complaining about his 26-year-old daughter who, briefly, moved back home and busted him on his language and attitude constantly. I tried to hide my amusement. After all, he had scissors in his hand.
Then I went to my classic movie group. Will, our moderator, is enchanted by Barbara Stanwyck. (So much so that he continually ignores the brilliance of my girl, The Great Kate Hepburn, but never mind.) Last night we saw a Stanwyck screwball comedy, The Mad Miss Manton. It was fine because I'm more than a little in love with Henry Fonda. He was just the cutest mix of honorable and adorable in this movie. (Swoon.)
The night ended with tapas. Joanna and I caught up over stuffed mushroom caps, puffed pastry filled with sirloin, and baked apple with goat cheese. All good. No booze, though they have a full and impressive bar. The house band? Well, I could have done without the mariachi version of "I Just Called to Say I Love You."
Joanna is such an interesting woman. So stylish, so talented, and so very flawed. I find her flaws endearing because they keep me from being intimidated by the style and talent. It felt very good, very comfortable, to reinforce my fledgling bond with her. And I think it's important to make a friend somewhere other than work. My career is coming to an end, and it's good hang out with people who don't necessarily define me by my work.
I got home at 1:00. I was exhausted. I remember when 1:00 was the shank of the evening.
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