Thanks to Ms. Restless Vagabond for the honor. She writes well and with great candor and I admire that about her.
As with all awards, the Sunshine Award comes with a few rules:
♥ Include the award’s logo in a post or on your blog
♥ Answer 10 questions about yourself
♥ Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers
♥ Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blogs, letting them know they have been nominated
♥ Share the love and link the person who nominated you.
Ten Questions
Favorite color: Blue
Favorite animal: Cats. Specifically mine.
Favorite number: 7.
Favorite non-alcoholic drink: Coke
Prefer Facebook or Twitter? I have accounts but I'm not crazy about either of them.
My passion: The Beatles, Cubs baseball, old movies
Prefer getting or giving presents: giving.
Favorite pattern: nova plaid, but I really prefer solids
Favorite day of the week: Friday
Favorite flower: Carnations, because they are so common, inexpensive, durable and pretty. I love their everyday beauty.

I'm not doing the nominating thing. I don't fear The Blog Police. As Cody Jarrett would say, "Come and get me, coppers!" (I told you I like old movies.)
Congrats, Gal!