I did not realize that mommies and mommies-to-be now hand out personalized cards that say --
1) Where they are registered for baby shower gifts and
2) Who's mommy they are and their contact information
I have no issue with this. I'm sure it's efficient and makes a lot of sense. I just had no idea that New Millennium Mommies were so organized!

Huh. I didn't know.
ReplyDeleteI've never seen that before either, guess the new Mommies I know are still old fashioned.
ReplyDeleteI dunno - it almost feels like they are fetishizing it somehow. I've never had kids so I can't even claim to know close to the feeling parents have for their kids and why having a card proclaiming that you are someone's mom is a big deal. And further, just to add this here for no good reason other than I want to, I don't understand defining yourself by your child. (Does that make any sense? Like, who are you when you are NOT someone's mom?)
ReplyDeleteI just don't get it. Marketing, perhaps. You'd know better than I, Gal, about that angle.
ah, but do they have v-cards?