Monday, February 01, 2010


The Queen's Meme #23 ~ The Blog Blizzard Meme
An unexpected blizzard occurs. The power goes out for 10 days. There is no food in the house, no gas in the car, no heat, no TV, no computer, nada! You are snowed in and can't get to the store for supplies. How would you survive? How would you get out of this mess? I'm screwed, aren't I? How's this for a plan? Since I live on the 4th floor, maybe I can open a window and jump, landing on a snow drift and then ... I'm outside with a broken limb in a snow drift. I really am screwed, aren't I?

Tell us about your last snowball fight. I don't remember. Which means it has been way too long!

3. You have been asked to make a snowman. What is his name? Jethro Leroy Gibbs, because he looks so good in his dress whites.

4. I have mountains of snow outside my door. I would like to make snow soup. What is the recipe? Add 6 drops of the essence of terror, 5 drops of sinister sauce and a tincture of tenderness. You'll either end up with a bowl of soup, or Milton the Monster.

5. It is Day 5 of the Big Blog Blizzard. You have been hunkered down for a very long time and in danger of losing your sanity. Your blog neighbors (that would be us) come callin' to see if you're OK. We peek in the window. What do we see? What are you doing in there? Playing at Probably Turbo 21. That's my web destination when I "turn off my mind, relax and float downstream." Though I'm not sure I can "float downstream" in the snow ...

6. Who is the flakiest snowflake in your life? Past or present. Right now, me. I don't trust my decision-making capabilities anymore. I feel like I'm fucking up a lot these days.

7. You are Snow White. Which dwarf is your favorite and why? Ringo. Because he's no one's favorite and even dwarfs need love.

8. What is the most fun you've ever had inside during a snowstorm? My fondest memory is of a lover tending to me while I had the flu. I know it doesn't sound like fun, but I felt very safe and much loved.

9. What was Jack Frost nipping at? I think he was just nipping wildly, randomly at the air because he was in so much pain. After all, weren't his chestnuts being roasted on an open fire?

10. Due to blobal warming (that's blog + global for all you non-blog speakers) your snowman has prematurely melted. What was his last request? Gibbs' last request was that I not forsake him for American Idol again this year.


  1. Ringo made me laugh out loud. :-)

  2. Who could leave Gibbs - EVER?

  3. Jumping is not an option! Step away from the window, Gal...

    Your soup sounds psychologically intriguing and dangerous. I'll have a bowl. Tenderness cures most things.

    #8 - I can relate.
    P.S. You are not a flake.

    (that rhymed)

  4. Jack Frost is just misunderstood.


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