Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday Tunes #22 -- Mix CDs

Have you ever made a mix CD for someone or had one given to you? My niece, currently in high school, is a newly-minted Beatle fan and her favorite is George. For Christmas, in an attempt to convince me that he was as talented as Lennon-McCartney, she made me a pair of CDs -- All Things Must Past and a mix of her favorite songs from other George albums (as well as the Willburys). I appreciate the gesture and enjoy the songs, but I'm still a Paul Girl.

What way do you share music with friends? Mix CDs, tapes or other means? Just yesterday I sent an email to my best friend with Martha Reeves' version of Van Morrison's "Wild Night" as an attachment.

Why do you usually make a mix CD? I've only ever made three mix CDs:
1. to re-introduce said best friend to Bruce Springsteen.
Back in the 1980s, when Bruce hit it big, my friend was going through one of those "if it's commercially successful, it can't be good" phases that we all have fallen victim to. (Back in the 1970s I resisted Elton John for the same reason, so I don't judge.)

2. A 15-song overview of Paul McCartney's career for my best friend's little girl. She discovered that they shared a June 18 birthday and wanted to know as much about him as she could, as fast as she could. I think Sir Paul may have since been displaced for the Jonas Brothers.

3. a collection of my friends' favorite songs for my uncle. He's ill, stricken Parkinson's, so I thought I'd expand his world a bit with music he may not be familiar with. My friends are an eclectic bunch, and it was reflected in their contributions -- from Laurie Anderson to Johnny Cash to the Doors to Cesaria Evora.

If you could make one person a mix, who would it be and why? Hmmm ... I can't think of anyone. Is that bad?

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