Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Stolen from a silly little freak ...

Who goes by the name of Snarky Pants.

1.) You’re on a trip taking a tour through the jungle. You have a backpack with some food, some first aid supplies, a pocket knife, a flashlight and a couple bottles of water. Somehow, you get separated from your group. By night fall you haven’t found your group and haven’t heard them looking for you. How long do you think you would be able to survive on your own?

A couple of days. On the plus side of the ledger, I'm very independent and I don't panic. Now for the debits: I have NO sense of direction whatsoever and cannot stand the heat. I'd do well to live by Mrs. McGinnis' words of wisdom (an imposing dragon of a woman, she was my Girl Scout leader for several years) and just stay put until someone finds me.

2.) Do you think it’s okay to lie to spare someone’s feelings? Why?

Yes. I do it all the time. Most things aren't worth hurting someone's feelings over. On the other hand, I tend to be insensitive because I often just don't get it. For example, I was dating a very hot guy who was a bit taller than I am, so I guessed him to be 5'5. He was so good looking and so very good in bed and had such a terrific voice that it never occurred to me that his height bothered him. One day I asked, "When did you realize you were always going to be short?" Oh ... my ... God! He actually flinched as though I thrown water in his face. I felt terrible about it.

3.) If a talking Gal doll were made, what are THREE phrases it would say?

a. The thing of it is ...
b. What the fuuuuuuuck?
c. I'd rather remove my own spleen with a butter knife.

4.) If the super power to be able to read minds at your own will were possible, do you think it would be… cool and helpful, intrusive and wrong, manipulative or maddening? Explain why you would or wouldn’t want to be able to read anyone’s mind at your own will.

I'd prefer it if I could read my cats' minds. I think that would be great fun. However, if it's limited to people, I'd only want to do it while on the train or bus, when I'm bored. I think it would be highly entertaining. I'd probably give in to temptation and do it more often though, and then feel bad because it would be intrusive and wrong. I tend to be very private and would hate having someone do it to me.

5.) RE: Drunk confessions, are they the things people can’t bring themselves to say sober or just crazy ramblings of an influenced and intoxicated mind?


6.) What brings out the worst in you?

Bullies. I hate bullies. A coworker once nicknamed me "Avenger Bunny" because nothing sets me off like witnessing bullying. It's the duty of the bigger to help the smaller in this world, and I cannot stand it when that world order gets knocked on its side.

7.) Do you think long distance relationships work? Have you ever been in one before?

Yes. I was in one for years and it was the happiest time of my life. Of course, I think it helped that, according to my shrink, I have a deep-seated fear of genuine intimacy, so you shouldn't go by me. I'm not a well woman.

If you choose to play, let me know so I can compare our answers.

1 comment:

  1. Totally with you on number four. I always imagined if I tuned in to my cats they would be plotting my demise in the most creative way


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