Tuesday, February 10, 2009

But I miss him!

My best friend is very busy at work this week and simply cannot play with me. He explained this, and I said I understood and that I was fine with it. But I was lying. I keep refreshing my mailbox and checking my phone log to see if he's tried to contact with -- which save for a single email this morning, he has not. I feel neglected, and then I get to add a lovely patina of self-loathing because I know I am being an unreasonable brat.


  1. Now THAT is an adorable picture!
    I feel like that on a daily basis.

  2. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I feel like that sometimes.

  3. That picture is perfect! And I know that feeling too. Disappointment, even when covered up with some adult like logic, still feels pooty.


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