1. How was Juno? (Sparky Duck) This is an adorable movie. Funny and sweet, with a very original heroine. I thought it kinda glossed over the emotional issues associated with teen pregnancy and adoption, but then it is a comedy and not An Afternoon Special.
2. Where did you live in Carpentersville? (Greatfullivin) 133 Austin. I stood up for the first time on my own in that house. My family moved when I was a toddler (and yes, of course they took me along!).
3. How do I add you as a "friend" on Shelfari? (Kwizgiver) a. Go to Explore; b. Key in The Gal H; c. When I pop up, click on Request Friendship. Then we'll be connected, shelf to shelf!
4. Do you have shoes strewn all over your living room? (Technically this is from “anonymous,” but I know who it is and she’s in league with my mother -- the same woman who has been trying unsuccessfully to get me to put my shoes away I was old enough to just kick them off and leave them by the front door.) Yes. But it's really very wise and efficient of me. This snow won't last forever, and in no time, it will be 75ยบ and sunny outside and I'll need all those Birkenstock sandals right where I can see them.
5. Why didn’t you name the Cubs as the best thing about your hometown? (Care) This is a perceptive question because, like most right thinking Americans, I consider the Cubs the best thing about living on this planet. However, for that meme I was considering the village I live in as my hometown. (It's less than 30 minutes away from Chicago.)
6. In the Kay Scarpetta series, does Kay know how Marino feels about her? (Malcolm) Yes. But she cares about Marino and needs him professionally so she pretends she doesn't notice so they never have to address it.
8. Do you have to pay extra for delivery from Peapod? (Jenny McB) Yes. $9.95. When you consider that clients pony up about $85/hour for my services, paying $9.95 for grocery delivery is really quite reasonable because it saves me valuable time. (OK, maybe that logic is tortured, but it helps me justify Peapod.)
9. What games do you like to play at Pogo? (Jenny McB) I am completely addicted to Turbo 21, which is not the same as being good at it. I also like Word Whomp and First Class Solitaire.
10. Which TV Mom do you think you would have lasted longer with – Carol Brady or June Cleaver? (Jenny McB) June Cleaver! She not only never actually disciplined the boys, she was forever imploring Ward to go easy on them. I've never been a fan of being told what to do.
10. You mean you're supposed to wash curtains? (Misty Dawn) According to my mother, who knows these things, you are supposed to wash your curtains twice a year. I don't, of course, but I do feel guilty about neglecting this chore. That counts for something, right?
11. Are you on Facebook? (Misty Dawn) No. I think I spend too much time on Blogger. I'm afraid if I went to Facebook, too, I'd never push away from the keyboard!
12. What is your favorite bar? (Gnostic Minx) Monk's Pub on LaSalle & Wells. Burgers, chili, beer and a decent jukebox.
13. Who did you vote for in your first Presidential election? (Book Mama) Jimmy Carter. Funny you ask this, because it's the only vote I wish I could take back. I was very young and very mad at Gerald Ford for pardoning Nixon. With time -- and since watching the silly Clinton impeachment hearings -- I understand that Ford saved us from something awful. It was a brave, patriotic thing he did and I'm sorry I didn't support him.
Bonus 14! What do you do that people pay you $85/hour? (Susan Helene Gottfried) I'm an ACD/copywriter, and clients pay the advertising agency I work at $85/hour for my services. After subtracting for office space, and computer, and Social Security and benefits, and naturally some profit for themselves, the agency pays me. It's not unlike the hooker/pimp relationship. (Some days it feels more like that than others.)
Bonus 14! What do you do that people pay you $85/hour? (Susan Helene Gottfried) I'm an ACD/copywriter, and clients pay the advertising agency I work at $85/hour for my services. After subtracting for office space, and computer, and Social Security and benefits, and naturally some profit for themselves, the agency pays me. It's not unlike the hooker/pimp relationship. (Some days it feels more like that than others.)
Leave your link in comments and I'll list you here:
1) Sue lists 13 people who live with thyroid conditions
2) Tink quotes the Dalai Lama
3) Nicholas teaches us how to speak British
4) Pjazzypar's TT is the scourge of evil doers!
5) Sandee's TT is so cute … or is it?
1) Sue lists 13 people who live with thyroid conditions
2) Tink quotes the Dalai Lama
3) Nicholas teaches us how to speak British
4) Pjazzypar's TT is the scourge of evil doers!
5) Sandee's TT is so cute … or is it?
6) Morgan Leigh's TT is even more random than this one!
7) Joy Is My Goal has a lovely TT for a snowy day (sorry, Joy, but blogger kept timing out on me when I tried to leave a comment)
8) Malcolm's TT is devoted to 13 special Grammy winners
9) Mama Geek makes dinner, or tries to
10) Cricket's Hearth pokes fun at lawyers
11) Jenny McB shares today's menu
12) Sandy Carlson takes a closer look at Valentine's Day
13) Susan Helene Gottfried hands her blog over to The Shapeshifter gang this week, and they report in from sick bay
14) Sharon knows her Cars stuff!
8) Malcolm's TT is devoted to 13 special Grammy winners
9) Mama Geek makes dinner, or tries to
10) Cricket's Hearth pokes fun at lawyers
11) Jenny McB shares today's menu
12) Sandy Carlson takes a closer look at Valentine's Day
13) Susan Helene Gottfried hands her blog over to The Shapeshifter gang this week, and they report in from sick bay
14) Sharon knows her Cars stuff!
15) Lori lists 13 Valentine gift ideas at $20 or less
16) SusieJ shows us how to create Valentine boxes
17) Book Mama worries, and she's not alone in what concerns her
18) Tasha cleverly gives us 13 reasons why she doesn't have a TT
19) SJ Reidhead fascinates us with her Tombstone TT
20) Adelle gives us 13 tips for banishing boredom
21) Ivan Girl shares her resolutions
22) Xakara helps us expand our vocabularies
23) Angelie has a dreamy TT
24) Maribeth takes us concertgoing
25) Bloggers has a helpful TT about working at home
26) Kat's TT is brought to us by the letter B
27) OneLuvGirl tells us about her new place
28) Lisa has a heartfelt and heartbreaking TT about her cat, Katie Scarlett
29) The land of Ross goes green this week
30) Yummy has a musical TT
31) Natalie rhapsodizes about her favorite baseball team
32) Tina doesn't have a TT, but her blog is neat so you should check her out
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others' comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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I felt the same way about Facebook, but I have found that its a nice way to keep in touch with friends outside of the blogsphere :) Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteInteresting answers to interesting questions! Great read.
ReplyDeleteMy TT gives you 13 quotes by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
Interesting answers. I don't agree with you on #13 but it certainly is a robust point of view.
ReplyDeletevoted for Carter in my first presidential election also...1976, it was a very good year. Remember those Bi-Centennial Moments? Happy TT.
ReplyDeleteWell this is clever as heck. What a great idea for a TT. Kills two birds with one stone so to speak. Excellent. Have a great TT. :)
ReplyDeleteInteresting TT! :) :) Have a happy Thursday!
ReplyDeletepost and good randomness
ReplyDeleteI too kick my shoes off at the front door. One of my exes referred to it as "Shoe Row". By the way, thanks for the link love. Also, it's good to know that Clarissa isn't the only one who can explain it all.
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I loved loved loved Juno! We saw it last week and it's still in my head!
ReplyDeleteInteresting stuff!
ReplyDeleteWashing curtains, boy you learn something new everyday!
ReplyDeleteJune Cleaver- good reason
Peapod- Hell yes, I would pay that. I woulds save that amount in impulse buys
Pogo- bummer, none of my favorites.
Another pogo player! My daughter has everyone she knows hooked on Pogo--for the same games you play!
ReplyDeleteBoy, people ask you a lot of things.
ReplyDeleteMy turn: so what DO you do that you can pull down $85 an hour?
I like your TT. :)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you on the curtain-washing. I know it's *supposed* to be done, but I've yet to do it. lol
Have a great day!
Well then, I feel like I know you better already:) Happy TT.
ReplyDeleteI had a similar job... freelancing is much nicer now. Now I REALLY know you.
ReplyDeleteGreat list this week. Thanks for answering my question - a very thoughtful answer!
ReplyDeleteMy TT is up - things I worry about.
Wow, you get a lot of questions, ha! Happy TT!
ReplyDeleteIf it is any consolation, my shoes are in the dining room, and my jacket is thrown across the railing in the entry way.
ReplyDeleteHow's that?
The Pink Flamingo
Shoe row... hey, I got one of those lol Great list. Happy T13!
ReplyDeletewow! this is a refereshing take for T13...very interesting.. =)
ReplyDeletedo visit my t13 here: http://ivan-ulrich.blogspot.com/2008/02/thursday-thirteen-26.html
It's not unlike the hooker/pimp relationship
ReplyDeleteThis was both sad and hilarious. Thanks for the smile.
I'll have to think of some questions for you to answer some time.
I enjoyed reading your list!
ReplyDeletemy 13 (13 things in my dream last night)
That was a unique TT. I like the idea a lot
Great list as always.
ReplyDeletemy 13 is up on working at home mom
I use Myspace and Facebook to keep in touch with my family and friends that live far away. It is good for networking too.
ReplyDeleteI like the Kay Scarpetta series, too.
ReplyDeleteI wrote about why I am happy to move to a smaller apartment.
http://blog.mysocalledsite.com/?p=199 Happy TT! :)
Ok...I love learning more about people (some people just say I am nosy...) Those were very interesting questions!
ReplyDeleteMy TT is dedicated to my Kitty that we just lost. Hope you can stop by!
Cool entry! I listed 13 green things that I'm doing to preserve the environment. http://landofrozz.blogspot.com/2008/02/thursday-thirteen-edition-4-thirteen.html
ReplyDeleteHappy TT!
Quick Quack is my favorite Pogo game.
ReplyDeleteMy TT is my favorite songs off of 13 random albums in my collection.
Very interesting!
ReplyDeleteQuestion 14 made me choke diet dr. pepper. We are told that it costs a dollar a minute to have us on the phone. Yeah - I don't see much of that.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the answer! :-) I added you. I'm A L.
ReplyDeleteHey gal,
ReplyDeleteGreat TT and thanks for answering my question about those shoes. I also think you leave them out because I don't know about yours, but my cats love, love, love having shoes laying about. They can rub all over them and dream about places they'll never get to! And yes, I'm staying away from Facebook. As it is, if I spent as much time at the gym as I do messing about on the internet, I'd look like Cindy Crawford.
your ol' pal
This is the first time I've been to your blog, but I must say I really enjoyed your TT.
ReplyDeleteGreat answers - this was fun!
ReplyDeleteGotta go wash my curtains now ;-)