Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Heads & Tails #3

You can find this week's theme over at meme-mistress Skittles' Place.

HOBBY, or anything that rhymes with HOBBY.

I'll take the more literal, and easier, way out and go with my hobby. After giving it a bit of thought, and looking at my books, movies and CDs, I'd say my hobby is the 1960s.

Whether it's the Beatles, the Kennedys,
Ron Santo and the 1969 Cubs, That Girl! or Carnaby Street and Mary Quant, I find that decade endlessly fascinating. And, with George W. Bush comparing Viet Nam with Iraq, I'm reminded that in many ways the 1960s influence is still very, very strong.

For more information about Heads & Tails, or to play along yourself, visit Skittles' Place.


  1. What a nice take on the theme!

    Hubby says he thinks he has a Santo baseball card.

    I absolutely LOVED That Girl! Ted was so cute. LOL.

    I think Bush's comparison is eerily correct.

  2. I find the '60's to be fasinating as well, I find it a shame that I wasn't alive back then...but I think it makes it even more fun to learn about it.

  3. It as a strange time personally and historically. I still don't know whether I am glad it's gone or nostalgic for its return.

  4. Great, unique interpretation! I've never thought of hobbies as a time period, but your post has shown how it could be! I loved the 80's for the things that were "popular" then, all considered hobbies for me! Great post!!

    Thank you for your sweet comments about my daughter! It was a busy week for her (and it just started), but it has been fun too! I just can't believe how big they get so fast (something I know you relate to as well)!!

  5. Anonymous12:01 PM

    interesting take on hobby!


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