Sunday, July 22, 2007

A good way to support our troops

There seems to be a sense out there in the blogosphere that the best way to support our troops is to pretend that this war has been well run up until now and is moving a positive direction.

I disagree.

The best way to support our troops is to let them know that you appreciate their sacrifice and that they are in your thoughts. You can do this easily by visiting Operation Shoebox.

This wonderful group has the goal of one shoebox for every soldier. The boxes contain personal care items (everything from baby wipes to nasal spray), playing cards, postcards and notecards and (my favorite to send) condiment packets to liven up those MREs.

C'mon! Who doesn't have catsup or mustard packets in a kitchen drawer? Is there any easier way to support soldiers slogging their way through an unpopular war. Toss those into a padded envelope, along with a check made out to Operation Shoebox (to help them pay for postage), and send it to:

Operation Shoebox
PO Box 1465
Belleview, FL 34421-1465

The entire list of what's needed/accepted, and details about the organization, can be found on their website.

You can be heartsick about this war but still heartened by the courage of our all-volunteer Army. Or you can show your support for the war effort with something other than rhetoric. No matter where you stand on this controversial issue, you can do something lovely for little or no cost.

I promise it will make you feel better.

1 comment:

  1. a great cause, though naturally it is coming from you :)


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