My mother is a very happy woman, very content with her life. She's "lunch mom" four days a week at the local grade school, but with summer looming she's fixating on her yard. She is very serious about her garden and proudly showed off all the plants my younger sister's family got her for Mother's Day yesterday. She loves the Chicago Bulls and is stoic through their playoff bid this year. She dotes on her cats. She was effusive about a new shampoo she bough from Home Shopping.
I don't want to copy my mother, because her life seems very small to me. But I do wish to emulate her in terms of how peaceful she is with her life and her choices. She epitomizes that saying about, "It's better to want what you have than to have what you want." In that way, she's a most excellent role model.
Alcohol + Brunch = Mellow times, sounds like a nice morning with your Mom. What a great last paragraph, we do choose the life we want to lead.