Saturday, May 26, 2007

Isn't she lovely?

Behold my new idol.

Diane Keaton is a more appealing screen presence now than when she was younger. She's more mature, less mannered, and now her charm is warm and wise whereas once it signaled neurotic and needy.

Right now I'm watching Something's Got to Give. Thursday was The Family Stone. I like this Keaton so much more than I liked her original incarnation.

I also find it encouraging that she's still believable as an object of desire.

Especially since I went shopping today and the new slacks I purchased were a size ... oh, I can't even bear to whisper it to this blog.

So now Diane is my new role model. I've got the skin thing under control. The new haircolor is working well. I know that my attitude is either more contemporary or perhaps more casual than people expect of a woman my age. Now I simply have to buckle down and work on nutrition and exercise.

Otherwise I'll just have to cede all the Keanu Reeves of the world to Diane.


  1. You're right, she looks so beautiful in that photo. I love her acting. She is a great role model for us.

    What are you doing exactly for your skin? Just curious.

  2. Buckle your seat belt. My skincare regimen takes forever! I had been dealing with really awful cystic acne -- enormous zits, really deep, leaving scars. I finally gave up on the cosmetic counter and went to a dermatologist who prescribed an antibiotic cream called Duac. It's terrific. I exfoliate every day, even if time's short and I can only use Mudd's 5-five mask. It's helped with the redness and the lines. My daily moisturizer is Kohl's Good Skin and I use Clinique Eyewear around my eyes and on my upper lip. I never leave the house without an SPF. My skin's not perfect, but then, it doesn't show as much wear as you might expect either. Whoa. Let me stop to catch my breath.


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