Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I didn't even know I cared about Simon Cowell!

Apparently something is missing in my life and no one understands me but Simon Cowell. At least that's as far as I got with dream interpretation.

So here's the dream I had last night: I am on my own, traveling through Florida. I am not going to visit my friends in the Keys -- they are nowhere to be found in this dream. The area I'm visiting is pretty deserted and very muddy. I think I hurricane has just blown through.

I go into a bar and that's where I meet Simon Cowell. He jokes that he not really the bartender, he still has the gig on American Idol, he is just watching the place for his friends.

He mixes me a very strong Cosmo and I discover that he is married to Carol Ann, the much older sister of a girl I went to high school with. Carol Ann must be 60 now and I haven't seen nor thought of her in decades, but never mind.

The bar is very empty so Simon and I have ample time to chat. He really is very nice but not at all upset that this surprises me. He gets this all time.

I finish my drink and tell him I must be on my way. He warns me to be careful as I slog through all that mud. The drink was on him.

That's it.

According to dreammoods.com:

• Walking through mud symbolizes "feeling weighed down by a situation, problem, or relationship."

• Dreaming that I am in a bar means I am seeking "escape from the stresses of everyday life," or that I am "seeking acceptance in some aspect of daily life."

• That the streets are deserted, or empty, means that "something is missing" in my life.

Or maybe all this dream means is the capers I had with lunch didn't agree with me.


  1. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I think that this dream caper was due to capers! Simon??? For Pete's sake, we need to find someone more exciting for you to dream about. Johnny Depp. That's who you have to focus on. Look at a picture of him before you go to bed.

  2. but no even mention of why it was Simon Cowell on that little website of yours.


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