Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas miracles

Last night was our big family celebration, so as of today, all the major Christmas folderol is behind me and I'm left with quiet time. I've used this quiet time to appreciate what's important …

Friends. I've celebrated over the past two weeks with six different friends. And they are very different, but they are all very dear. There are cards on the next to my phone from others, making me promise that we'll get together in the new year. I am fortunate to be surrounded by a diverse group of people, each who sees something of value in me. I know I can be difficult -- by turns prickly and independent and demanding. Yet I have so many people I can call upon if the chips are down, or if I have joys I want to share. That's miracle #1.

Family. Last night, as I was leaving, my mother hugged me so tight. After the health scares she's had this year, I am grateful to still have her to hug on Christmas Eve. My nephew was so thrilled with his gifts that he practically howled each time he opened one. My niece and nephew were both just as pleased that the gifts they chose and purchased and wrapped themselves were hits, as well. They are miracles, and I am fortunate to be able to watch them grow up.

My critters.
Reynaldo (the world's worst cat) has actually slept quietly at the foot of my bed, two nights in a row! Charlotte is chatty and lively and happy. And Joey, my good old boy, is as sweet-natured and kind a soul as God has ever put here. They bring nature into my home, and their unconditional love is a miracle.

My faith. To borrow from "Silent Night," Christ the Savior is born. That was the first miracle. His Resurrection is the ultimate miracle. That is what this day is about, and it's important to remember to be grateful

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