Sunday, September 10, 2006

Attention, Lurkers: This One's for You

I know I have lurkers and I welcome you. After all, there are blogs I visit on the sly myself. But it occurs to me that you lurkers know nothing about me except for my excessive devotion to Greg Maddux and Sir Paul McCartney.

So here's a little dossier about me. And if you ever feel comfortable doing so, let me know a little something about you, too.

1. I prefer hotdogs to burgers, thin crust to pan pizza, Coke to Pepsi, light beer to wine.
2. In my dreams, I sing like Barbra Streisand.
3. When I fly, it's an aisle seat or nothing.
4. I've never had heartburn in my life.
5. My hair is short and red (Nice & Easy #110).
6. My favorite color is blue. Cubbie blue.
7. It's sad and annoying but true: I have never attended a wedding escorted by a date. Not by design. Just never happened to be going out with anyone whenever a wedding rolled around. Maybe this is why I hate weddings.
8. I don't know why, but gay men and I have an affinity for one another. (This occurs to me because I usually end up dragging a gay friend to weddings.)
9. I can't cook, but I am a wizard at doing laundry.
10. I'm a news junkie, and thank the Lord for cable and a 24-hour news cycle.

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