Friday, May 05, 2006

I will not obsess; I will not obsess; I will not obsess

Clinique has discontinued the ONE PRODUCT that helps me win in my ongoing battle against adult acne: Quick Clearing Pads with Salicylic Acid. Naturally this filled me with dread. What happens when I run out?

So I've started buying it up. I got the last 50-pad tub they had at Carson's. Then I started looking online -- and both still have it. For now. But for how long? I have become obsessed with scoring as many tubs as I can. I've got 10 in my cabinet now, with 3 more on the way via mail order. Since this should be enough to carry me almost completely through 2008, perhaps I should stop now. But can I? (I haven't checked eBay yet ...)

This is only my most recent health/beauty obsession. I noticed that Nice and Easy is phasing in new packaging and my color (Natural Reddish Blonde #108) still appears on store shelves in the old box. At Osco, CVS and Walgreen's. Could it mean that (gasp) I'm soon going to have to shop around for a new shade? So I started buying. And buying. I have enough to keep my in titian locks through spring and summer and into fall. My stock piling may have made a difference, making room on store shelves for the new, redesigned #108 carton.

Neither of these buying sprees can hold a candle to my response when Elizabeth Taylor discontinued her Black Pearls scent.

Yes, I feel silly. Of course I know this is frivolous. But I'm soooooo insecure about my looks, and when I find something that works for me, I cling to it as if it were a lifeline. And I'm not alone. When I had eBay as a client, they told me that at first, when they were still just a fledgling online auction site, their most popular auctions were for Beanie Babies, and recently discontinued shades of nail polish.

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