Monday, February 19, 2007

Meet part of the problem: ME

Robert Kennedy, Jr., likes to say that "We are the best-entertained and the worst-informed people in the world." He means that while our 24 hour news cycle should be keeping us up to date on the important issues of the day, instead it feeds our appetite for scandal and gossip.

There have been hour specials on Anna Nicole Smith's death. Shrinks have appeared on talk shows to discuss Britney's shaved head. The Dem-dominated Senate was unable to pass a non-binding resolution against the President's plan for Iraq, but I'll bet more people have read more about "Britney Shears."

I'm better informed than many, I suppose, but nowhere near as informed as I should be. Yes, I can explain what separates Hillary's plan for Iraq from Barack Obama's, but I also know Virgie is Anna Nicole's mom and Lynne is Britney's. I have multiple weeks' worth of Time and Newsweek waiting beside my bed, but People and US are devoured as soon as they come out of my mailbox.

I developed a craving for mental junk food after 11/2/04. I worked hard for Senator Kerry, a man I still genuinely admire. I knew the issues because I wanted to be able to explain to undecideds why my guy was on the right side. Every morning, my first thought when I swung my legs out of bed and my feet hit the carpet was, "How can I help the Senator today?" I spent countless hours writing letters, polling and begging for funds. I knew in my heart what we were doing was important, that it mattered to my country. I literally cried every morning, in the privacy of my own shower, for months. The guilt was enormous because I used to think I let my country down. But now, I'm sorry to say, I realize my country disappointed me.

It's a hard thing to get past.

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