Saturday, August 19, 2023

August Happines Challenge -- Day 19

My 2023 happiness icon
Today's Happiness: $1.80

That's how much I'll be saving on my electric bill this month. No, it's not much. But that's not the point.

On the 16th, Commonwealth Edison sent those of us participating in the program a notice to reduce our energy consumption during a peak usage time that afternoon. I did. And this morning, I learned my efforts were enough to warrant a discount.

It felt nice to know I helped reduce the stress on our energy grid on a hot August afternoon.  


  1. Every little bit helps. Good job. :-)

  2. How fascinating! And proof that every little bit helps.

  3. Wow. We don't have anything like that. They have maybe once that I remember made an announcement on the news but that's it.


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