Friday, April 01, 2011

A note about slavery

Looking at the way the Randolphs lived vs. their slaves left me feeling skin crawly and ashamed.

Peyton Randolph was a true patriot and did many important things that helped found this country, and yet he kept 20 human souls as property. Look at these photos and see how different life was between them that's got and them that's not. Six slaves slept in, and 16 ate in, that one room -- the drastically smaller one you see in the in rear view of the house . All but one slept on the floor. The slave who got the bed was the elder. This decision was made strictly in the slave quarters. The Randolphs left such matters to their slaves.


  1. Gal, have you read the book "the help"?
    it is a great book about the white people who used black maids...
    it is one of the best books i have ever read...i know you would like it.
    love all these post!

  2. What a humbling reminder.


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