Sunday, June 22, 2008

It's bugging me

My mom is doing well since her hospital stay, and I'm grateful. She swears up and down she hasn't had a cigarette in over a month. She is adhering to her med regimen -- remembering when to take her pills and when to use her inhaler. She's taking it easy but still becoming more active day by day, week by week. She felt strong enough to clean up her own backyard after one of our recent wicked thunderstorms (removing a branch so big it was really a hunk of tree) and I was so proud of her! Her doctor is so pleased with her recovery that he is giving her July off -- allowing her to skip next month's appointment and wait till August to see him again.

But here's the thing: She's getting vague. The first time I noticed it, I thought it was funny. She asked me something about my friend, John. SHE brought him up. I answered. She replied with an anecdote about my brother-in-law. I said, "You're right, that sounds just like John." She said, "John? John who?" I teased her about it and she laughed.

It happened again Friday. It was more subtle, and I didn't even mention it to her. But it did happen and it's been bothering me, little a pebble in my shoe. She told me something cute my older sister said. Only it wasn't my older sister. She was telling me a story about me.

She's getting old. She's over 70 and she endured a bout with pneumonia and is recovering slowly, but recovering all the same. Maybe this is to be expected as her body adjusts to all her meds. But I will remain vigilant. If it happens again between now and her August doctor visit, I'm going to insist she mention it to him.

1 comment:

  1. Might it be one of her meds? Can you check with the doctor and see. A lot of time, that's one of the reasons.


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