Monday, July 09, 2007

I miss them already

"They" would be Lou Pinella's second place Chicago Cubs, who won four of their last five series leading up to the break. Fucking All-Star Game is messing with our momentum and depriving me of something to look forward to today … and tomorrow … and Wednesday … and Thursday. (I'm boycotting the FA-SG because of Barry Bonds. I know he'll be hurt by my defection, but life is filled with disappointments … as he'll learn when he tries to get into Cooperstown.)

My little rant about the FA-SG gives me an opportunity to attach a photo of my beloved, future Hall of Famer Greg Maddux. In so many ways, he is the antithesis of Bonds. Kind of a Luke Skywalker to the Darth Vaders of the MLB (like Bonds and the anti-Christ himself, Roger Clemens). Since this is primarily a Cubbie post, I am showing Greg Maddux during his last (sigh) performance as a Cub at Wrigley Field.


  1. your boy pitched like crap last night. He must have known I was watching

  2. Yeah, I know. It happens more and more with him these days -- he's either great and fast and efficient, or the wheels come off. Back in the day, he used to get into jams and then come roaring back. Now, if he doesn't fix what's wrong in that inning, forget it. (BTW, how soon into the game did they mention that he's 41 years old? When I watched him against the Marlins last week, it was between the first and second pitches.)

  3. I turned it on in the 3rd inning after dinner, so I would think I missed 15 to 20 mentions


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